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Royal Books - Ages 9+

Books on Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon: The Story of the Little Corporal
by Robert Burleigh

Napoleon: The Story of the Little CorporalNapoleon is one of the most quotable royals in history. The Story of the Little Corporal takes advantage of Napoleon's many intriguing statements by introducing each chapter with a short, pithy quote. The book is beautifully designed making the text both easy to digest and fascinating. The writing flows naturally and avoids the pitfalls of passing judgment on this sometimes controversial leader in history.

Here is Amazon's description:

" Napoleon achieved countless military victories and unified half a continent; he was a corporal, general, consul, and emperor. The life and career of Napoleon sounds impossible-but it's true. His success, though brilliant, was also short-lived. Robert Burleigh's biography of the Little Corporal, illustrated by period artworks and artifacts, describes the remarkable rise and fall of this charismatic and unusual man. "

Know of a good Napoleon book for kids? Email me and I will add it.


Napoleon's Stomach Cramps
Napoleon's Cramps

Why did Napoleon always pose with his hand in his coat? Find out when you read The Raucous Royals >>
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