The following is a few references that were used in The Raucous Royals. For the complete bibliography, resource notes, and art credits please see page 62 of the book.
Visit the Recommended Reading section for more details about my favorite books. Bloodlines, The Dracula Family Tree. DVD. A&E Television Networks, 2003.
In Search of History, The Real Dracula. DVD. A&E Television Networks, 1998.
Ancient Mysteries, Vampires. DVD. A&E Television Networks, 1994.
Mackenzie, Richard. “Vlad Tepes: Ruthless Ruler.” Renaissance Magazine,Vol 11 #4. Issue #50, pp. 34-35.
Florescu, Radu & McNally, Raymond. Dracula, Prince of Many Faces, His Life and His Times. New York, NY: Back Bay Books, 1989.
Weir, Alison. The Princes in the Tower. London: Pimlico, 1992.
The Richard III Society: [Accessed December 17, 2006]
Richards, Jeffrey. The Riddle of Richard III. History Today, August 1983, pp. 18-25.
Brotton, Jerry. Shakespeare The King Maker. BBC History Magazine, December 2006, pp. 45-47.
Great Kings of England: King Henry VIII. DVD. Kultur Video, 2006.
Weir, Alison. Henry VIII and his Court. New York, NY: Ballantine Books, 2002.
Maclean Kybett, Susan. “Henry VIII - A Malnourished King?” History Today, September 1989, pp. 19-25.
Fletcher, David. Henry VIII. Hove, East Sussex, Wayland Publishers, 1976.
Warnicke, Retha M. The Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; Reprint edition (July 26, 1991).
Thurston, Robert W. “The World, The Flesh and the Devil.” History Today, November 2006, pp. 51-57.
Weir, Alison. The Six wives of Henry VIII, New York, NY: Grove Press, 2000
The Wives of Henry VIII. DVD. Channel Four Television Corporation, 2001
The World of Royalty. King Henry VIII and his Wives., [Accessed December 1, 2006]
Herny VIII, Love Letters of Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn. Boston, MA: J. W. Luce & Company, 1906.

Harlot or Martyr? The Case of Mary Stuart. VHS. Films for the Humanities & Sciences, 1999.
Mumby, Frank Arthur. The Fall of Mary Stuart: A Narrative in Contemporary Letters. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922.
Sitwell, Edith, Dame. The Queens and the Hive. Boston, MA: Little, Brown, 1962.
Simon Singh. The code book : the evolution of secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to quantum cryptography. New York, NY: Doubleday, 1999.
Fraser, Antonia. Mary Queen of Scots, London: Phoenix Press, 1969.
Marie Stuart Society, 2001. The World of Mary Queen of Scots. [Accessed November 18 2006]
Bold, Alan Norman. Mary, Queen of Scots. Hove, England: Wayland Publishers, 1977.
Jenkins, Elizabeth. Elizabeth the Great. New York, NY: Coward-McCann, 1958.
TudorCast. Podcast. Lara Eakins. [Accessed November 1, 2006]
Elizabeth I: The Virgin Queen. DVD. Biography, 2004.
Dunn, Jane. Elizabeth and Mary: Cousins, Rivals, Queens. New York, NY: Randon House, 2004.
In Search of Shakespeare. DVD. PBS, 2004.
Elizabeth I. Heather Thomas. [Accessed November 29, 2006]
Folger Shakespeare Library. [Accessed November 20, 2006]
Chamberlin, Frederick. The Sayings of Queen Elizabeth. London: John Lane; New York, Dodd, Mead and company, 1923.
Hanover College, Department of History. Culbertson, Katherine E. Elizabeth I: The Most Elusive Bride in History,, [Accessed November 10, 2006]
Channel Four Television Corporation. Liane Jones, Steve Platt, Aleks Sierz. Elizabeth’s Pirates., [Accessed November 1, 2006]
Marcus, Leah S., Mueller, Janel. Rose, Beth. Elizabeth I Collected Works, Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 2000.
MacDonogh, Katharine. Reigning Cats and Dogs. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 1999.
Lewis, W. H. The Splendid Century: Life in the France of Louis. Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press, 1997.
The National Maritime Museum, London, Beauty in the 17th Century, [Accessed January 15, 2007]
Wilkinson, Richard. “The Man in the Golden Mask.” History Review, December 2006, pp. 45-46.
Mitford, Nancy. The Sun King. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publisher, 1966.
Fraser, Antonia. Love and Louis XIV: The Women in the Life of the Sun King. New York, NY: Nan A. Talese, 2006.
Peter the Great: The Tyrant Reformer. DVD. A&E Home Video, 2005.
Russia - Land of the Tsars. DVD. A&E Home Video, 2003.
Massie, Robert K. Peter the Great, his life and world. New York, NY: Knopf, 1980.

Lever, Evelyne. Marie Antoinette, The Last queen of France. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000.
Marie Antoinette. DVD. PBS, David Grubin Productions, Inc., 2006.
The French Revolution. DVD. History Channel, 2005.
Covington, Richard. “From Beloved to Beheaded: The Real Marie Antoinette”, Smithsonian, November 2006, pp. 56-65.
Meyer, Arline. “Re-dressing Classical Statuary, the Eighteenth-Century ‘Hand-in-Waistcoat’ Portrait.” The Art Bulletin, March 1995. p. 45.
Steckel, Richard H. Health and Nutrition in the Preindustrial Era: Insights from a Millennium of Average Heights in Northern Europe,, [Accessed January 15, 2007]
Markham, J. David. Napoleon for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: For Dummies, 2005.
Napoleon 101. Podcast. David Markham and Cameron Reilly, [Accessed November 1, 2006]
Napoleon: The Myth, The Battles, The Legend. DVD. Bfs Entertainment, 2001.
Napoleon. DVD. PBS, 2000.
Bryant, Mark, “The Scourge of Napoleon.” History Today, August 2006, pp. 58-59.

Catherine the Great. DVD. PBS, 2006
Henderson, Simon. Catherine the Great: Enlightened Empress?, History Review, March 2005, pp. 14 – 19.
De Madariaga, Isabel. Catherine the Great: A Personal View. History Today, November 2001, pp. 45 - 51.
Troyat, Henri. Catherine the Great. New York, NY: Dutton, 1980.

Live Science. Doctors Poisoned Crazy King George, Study Finds. [Accessed January 24, 2007]
A Web of English History. The age of George III. [Accessed January 14, 2007]
Macalpine, Ida. George III and the Mad-Business. New York : Pantheon Books, 1970.