George vs. George: The American Revolution As Seen from Both Sides
by Rosalyn Schanzer
Of course I love this book. How could I not love a book that forces you to look at both sides of history (the main theme of The Raucous Royals). My only impression as a child was that George III was this super bossy king who kept trying to push his hoity-toity taxed tea into our harbor. So I have always felt that King George gets the shaft when it comes to teaching kids about the American Revolution. He barely gets a couple of pages in the history books while Washington gets chapters on just his darn teeth (which by the way were not wooden.) And the illustrations are wonderful too. The expressions on the paintings are hilarious because they are so accurate in capturing the personalities of both Georges. This is a must read for discussing the many sides of history.
Here is Amazon's description:
" There are two sides to every story. Rosalyn Schanzer's engaging and wonderfully illustrated book brings to life both sides of the American Revolution.
The narrative introduces anew the two enemies, both named George: George Washington, the man who freed the American colonies from the British, and George III, the British king who lost them. Two leaders on different sides of the Atlantic, yet with more in common than we sometimes acknowledge. We are lead through their story, and the story of their times, and see both sides of the arguments that divided the colonies from the Kingdom. Was King George a "Royal Brute" as American patriots claimed? Or was he, as others believed, "the father of the people?" Was George Washington a scurrilous traitor, as all the king's supporters claimed? Or should we remember and celebrate him as "the father of his country?" Who was right? History teaches us that there are two sides to every story. "
Know of a good George III book for kids? Email me and I will add it.