People always seem to take sides between Mary and Elizabeth. History usually sees Mary as either; A. an innocent and tragic queen cruelly
by her conniving cousin. or B. A silly, little tart who made some bad love choices and foolishly plotted to take down her more level-headed cousin.
Whatever you decide, their story has as much raucous drama as a good old-fashion, 16th century, Jerry Springer cat fight.
Elizabeth really had it rough. At the age of three, she lost her mother and her title of princess. At age twenty-one, she was accused of treason by her half sister, Bloody Mary, and locked in the Tower of London. By age twenty-five, she had escaped all of this drama and was crowned queen of England. Elizabeth was a survivor and she didn’t intend to lose her crown to her upstart cousin.
Now imagine being a pampered princess, six feet tall, with oodles of good looks and charm and the finest education in the world. You would have a pretty good life, right? Wrong, if you are Mary Queen of Scots. While Elizabeth always kept her head in matters of the heart, Mary’s love life caused a lot of raucousness.
In1536, Henry VIII had ordered the beheading of Elizabeth's mom, Anne Boleyn, thereby making Elizabeth illegitimate. An illegitimate child was not typically allowed to become queen or wear any of the fancy jewelry. But Henry liked to make up his own rules. In his will, he restored Elizabeth to her place in line for the English throne. According to the will, Henry’s grandniece, Mary of Scotland, wasn’t even in line. If fact, Henry decreed that she was to never sit her pretty Scottish fanny on an English throne...ever! (Henry never liked the Scots.)
Mary believed that she should be queen because Elizabeth was illegitimate and therefore shouldn’t be prancing around in pearls.
Would Mary stoop so low as to plot to have her cousin killed? Read the full story and decide for yourself>>
